Nov 14, 2014

Chef, 2014

If you want to see a very cool feel good exciting drama with and awesome cast of actors and actresses, with an edge of comedy (not too funny, though), that hits you right in the Little Cubans, than this movie is for you!

John Favreau (known for his role in Iron Man, Avengers, Cowboys and Aliens) steps out of the action movie genre into this dramatic happiness as a chef on a quest. The gist of this film is pretty simple. He is trying to be the best he can possibly be and his entire career is being held back from his boss (played by Noteworthy Mr. Dustin Hoffman) when he finds "twitter."  He tweets his way into a series of life changing events, eventually leading him to purchasing a dump of a taco truck from his ex-wife's ex-boyfriend (played by Robert Downey Jr.).

Turns out he always wanted to drive a food truck but felt being a chef was the better option in life. Along the way he gets to know his son, who's been feeling though his dad is ignoring him and not caring about him, and they wind up building a much stronger relationship together. The father son relationship building part of this whole movie was by far the best part of the film, the underlying plot which actually is the best part of the movie, to me.

I have to say it was a refreshing movie that I actually have recommended to quite a few people, including personal friends, which is saying a lot. I don't typically recommend any movies to anyone, but this was just fantastic. To watch the cooking alone was worth the time to watch the movie. I do recommend this film to anyone, regardless if you like to cook or not.

Without getting into detail, I'm just going to throw out a random 8.37 rating out of 10 for this film because it was just fantastic.

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