Nov 14, 2014

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 2014

Wow. Okay so this was a very cool film to watch.

Let me just say, like most movie cover images (like this one, with the ape and the gun through the water by the burning bridge, etc) never took place in the movie. I really hate when that happens. I mean, yeah, monkey in the picture was technically riding a horse in the movie and did actually hold a gun....Whatever it's all good.

So the movie basically starts out 10 years after the monkey flu pulls a Stephen King "The Stand" on the world and only a handful of humans are left. Surprisingly the monkeys don't over populate what's left of the world in those 10 years and stick to some small forest just over the bridge from San Francisco.

The humans there in San Fran need to get into the woods where the monkeys are to rebuild the damn and provide power to the city.

To make the movie more interesting and provide the usual plot twists, instead of just making friends with monkeys, offering them information, teaching, technology, etc, in return for access to the damn, we find the usual fuckups on both sides (monkeys and humans) from greed, fear and warmongering, resulting in lots of dead monkeys and dead people. And blown up things.

I wasn't too too excited about watching this film, it was either this or watch porn, and this seemed to be a good waste of an hour or two.

Tits and ass: (Unless you like monkey tits and ass) : 0
Gratuitous monkey sex: 0
Plot twists that could have been avoided by just not being stupid: 9.3
Bill Murray Cameos: 0 (a shame, really)
Violence: 7.5
Sex: 0
Completely random number generated because I finished my coffee: 5.2

That brings this wonderful film rating to 3.14. Don't let the numbers fool you, it was an interesting watch that opened up the way for a sequel.

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