Nov 14, 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy 2014

You can't really give this movie a bad review, even if, like me, you are rather cynical having woken up at 5 am when you definitely don't need to be up at 5 am (or anywhere near 5 am for that matter) and are hoping the meds kick in at some point in time so you aren't in pain the rest of the day and might get something accomplished other than having a personal record of how long you can lay in bed before everything goes numb.

So I am going to give this movie a horrible review, only because I can do whatever the fuck I want, but you should stop here and go see it because it was honestly a really really good feel good awesome sci-fi fun movie to watch.

First off, this movie is the sort of thing that needs a sequel as soon as humanly possible. You can't possibly have this much fun and excitement in a movie, action and plot twists and what not, without having a sequel. 10 minutes into the movie, every single person in the theater is thinking "seriously, there better be fucking sequel to this movie."

The PG-13 rating was really the swearing mostly, and might have been a PG rating otherwise. There wasn't enough gratuitous sex, violence or anything else to really give this movie a PG-13, so here's for hopping up a film just to make it so the cool kids want to watch it.

I found the character development in the film was well done, especially with the Rocket Raccoon character played by Bradley Cooper. Bradley Cooper is a pretty well known actor who started his career as a small forgettable spot in Sex and the City before most of the people watching this movie were even born. He played small roles here and there on various television cop shows (and Face in the movie adaptation of the A-Team) as well as a rather fantastic role in the Hangover movies. Now he's the voice of a raccoon with a moral dilemma.

Zoe Saldana. Honestly, if you go see this movie for any reason Other than seeing Zoe Saldana in it, you are wasting your time and money. Saldana is most famous for her lead role in Avatar, Neytiri, where she played a strong female role in an historically male dominated sci-fi genre. In fact, 5 years previous, she played a strong female role in The Terminal (she was the Visa stamp officer that Tom Hank's character kept meeting day to day to get into the U.S). She was Uhura in the newest adaptations of the Star Trek Films, where most of the geeks you will talk to will know her from. I have a lot of respect for strong, hot female lead roles with awesome bitchy to bitchy with exception character development like this movie here. She's an awesome actress that deserves patronage to her films for sure.

Without spoiling the movie at all, because you should see this, it's a pretty typical plot. Everyone meets in some weird circumstances, gets together, not by choice, and overcomes various personal issues in order to save the entire universe from complete and utter destruction, just barely, during the very last 4 minutes of the film. Everything that happens in between is fluff, but interesting and fun to watch fluff.

Notable actor in this film, completely underrated, Djimon Hounsou. You will remember this phenomenal actor was in Gladiator, Blood Diamond and Amistad, as well as more recently the voice of Drago in How to Train your Dragon. A lot of talent, not a whole hell of a lot of screen time, but a worthy addition to this film's credibility sheet.

Director: James Gunn
Starring: Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper, Lee Pace

Gratuitous use of the word Groot: 9
Not seeing Zoe Saldana (who I highly respect as a talented actress) way more naked: 4
Hearing Chris Pratt's voice from the lego movie the whole time you watched this movie : 9
Trying to get "everything is awesome" from said lego movie out of your head: 3
Interesting plot twists you didn't see coming: 5.3
Humorous use of finger gestures: 6

Grand total :  6.05

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